
Blue lagoon the awakening full movie download
Blue lagoon the awakening full movie download

Okay, I am a little bit embarrassed to be reviewing this film, but I read some other reviews, and I wanted to point out some elements I noticed. A complete and total failure from start to finish. It just seems to lack a decent plot, cohesive writing and structure, and expects the audience to just accept way too many things that are not consistent. Everything about this movie screams fake. Take special notice of Denise Richards character for a specific point of bad writing meets bad acting as she plays the mother of the missing girl and beyond one failed crying scene, shows next to no realistic emotion over the fact that her daughter could be dead. This of course, remains the same until the final minute of the movie where they come back together and we are supposed to see just how in love they truly are. When they are finally rescued (in a completely anti-climactic way), they return home and the movie takes an odd turn where both characters as cold towards one another and seem to forget all the bonding and changing they did on the island. In fact, sometimes we go to a commercial with her in a panic and come back with everything seemingly better. This happens more than once during the movie. We go from one scene in which the female wants off the island to the very next scene where she is perfectly happy being alone with the male. Beyond those things, we have the actual plot of the film. Really? Are we not even going to try and discuss how inane that is that he wouldn't know that he has just had sex with a virgin? Whatever. Now, the two characters engage in a physical relationship and we find out that for the girl, it is her first time. Considering the time they are on the island and without the proper materials, this is just way too much for the audience to accept. And the female remains completely smooth as well. How is that even possible? His hair doesn't even grow on his head. The two are stuck on the island for two months or so yet the male character never grows a beard, moustache, or chest hair. If you can get passed the writing and acting, let's discuss some of the ridiculous plot points. I realize they are generally unknown actors here in the States but I can guarantee that neither will come out of this being considered breakout stars. And the actors do nothing to elevate the material.

blue lagoon the awakening full movie download

Some of the back and forth between the leads will make you roll your eyes. The dialogue was so cheesy at times and laughable at other times when it supposed to be deep. Where to begin? The script? The writers should never be allowed to pen a script again. So, that is about the only positive thing I could say. And that was fine because I was looking for a new movie or a re-imagining if you will. I went into viewing it knowing it had nothing to do with the original. This has to be one of the worst films I have seen in quite some time.

Blue lagoon the awakening full movie download